We create platforms and solutions to help system builders reduce and manage complexity.
IP Exploration
We collaborate with clients and partners to improve capabilities and make it easier and faster to choose and adopt the right IP for your designs. With our tools and blueprints, developers can quickly and reliably deploy hardware configurations consisting of different processor architectures and implementations in order to characterize their interoperability, benchmark power and performance, as well as determine their software readiness for specific designs.
Choose and customize example use-cases and reference designs representative of data and compute intensive workload.
Validate against builtin test vectors and real-world workloads, or bring and use your own test cases.
Deploy on premise or on EDA cloud. Replicate reliably across different teams and organizations to test and evaluate.
Evaluate performance, security and compatibility with different processor architectures and implementations, IPs, and related middleware and data driven applications.

“Competitive advantage in the semiconductor industry is increasing achieved more through product-development capabilities than through manufacturing. The reason is simple. Many chip makers that traditionally were vertically integrated are shredding their fabrication plants, or fabs, and sourcing fabrication.”
— McKinsey

A balanced approach to system designs
SoC.one platform empowers the system architects to leverage the diversity and flexibility of new and emerging architecture such as RISC-V to achieve the right balance between the flexibility of programmable software and the performance of fixed function hardware at all levels of product design, from chip to user interface.
Design Acceleration
Utilize our extensive library of tests and benchmarks to characterize your designs against real-world application-centric performance indicators.

Our functional-first design flow enables software development, functional validation and verification to happen concurrently with SoC and platform exploration and designs.
Up-leveling Modeling & Simulation
Model your complex, data-driven design at different level of abstractions, speed and accuracy. Activate your design in closed-loop, mixed reality and configurable simulation infrastructure.
Open Source
Elevating market pressure, fragmentation, risks exposure, lack of coverage, and the allure of in-sourcing are impetus for the RISC-V establishment to reduce costs, improve quality and accelerate time-to-market.
SoC.one is a sponsor of RISC-V Developer Network (RVDN), a community platform that enables the RISC-V adopters to collaborate on mutual needs and focus on competency in order to deliver value differentiation.

RISC-V Developer Network
RISC-V Developer Network (RVDN) curates and integrates most commonly used RISC-V IP and software stacks to provide developer community with a one-stop-shop access to their development needs.
From concept to foundry, SoC.one is where leading RISC-V IP, platforms and solutions converge to drive design exploration, feature and performance characterization, verification and validation, and concurrent product development.

1975 Hamilton Ave
San Jose, CA 95120
(408) 375-8287
Media Contact
Neal Leavitt
Leavitt Communications
(760) 639-2900